Prayer Focus
Follow us in guided prayer, as each day we focus on specific aspects of our church, ministries and outreach efforts.
Local: Door of Hope, Justice Restoration Center, New Life Solutions, Strategic Renewal, Set Free Jail Ministries, Venture Clubs
International: Jim and Janice Larson - Intensive Care Ministries, Brian Smith - Harvest Aviation, Jerusalem Missionaries, Dr. Jessica - Frontier Alliance International, Pastor S - Message Ministries and Missions Laos, Bali Missionaries, Iran Missionaries
International: Jim and Janice Larson - Intensive Care Ministries, Brian Smith - Harvest Aviation, Jerusalem Missionaries, Dr. Jessica - Frontier Alliance International, Pastor S - Message Ministries and Missions Laos, Bali Missionaries, Iran Missionaries
Pastor Art and Leadership
Elders & Deacons, Church Staff, Ministry Leaders, Leader’s Family, Leader’s Devotional Lives, Protection, Health & Finances, Spiritual gifts, Wisdom, Unity and Holiness
FSC and Our Community
Church Services, Worship, Children’s Ministry, Youth & Young Adult Ministries, Grow Groups & Classes, Church Growth, Finances & Giving, New visitors, Grow Groups & Classes, First Friday, Feather Sound and High Point Community Salvation and Protection, Building & Property, Schools, Teachers and Students, First Responders, Unity Amid Diversity, Discipleship, Love & devotion, Desire to Study the Word, Boldness to Share the Gospel, Peace and Endurance Amidst Trials and to Combat Temptation, Complacency, Idols and Worldliness
Marriage and Family
Marriages, Health & Finances, Employment & education, Relationships, Sexual purity, Children & teens, College Students & Singles, Death & Loss, Spiritual and Emotional Healing, Spiritual Walk, Family Devotions, Family Reconciliation, Home Order - Love, Respect, Forgiveness, and Submission, Singles to be Patient to Wait for the Mate From God or Peace to Accept Singleness, the Blessing of Children for Those Who Are Waiting.
All those serving in the church, their walk with the Lord, protection, health and safety. Care & GoTeams, Property, safety & security, Greeting & Parking teams, Event, Coffee & Hospitality, Worship Team, A/V & Tech Teams, Children’s Teachers & Helpers, Youth and Young Adult Mentors and Teachers, Small Group Leaders, Men's & Women’s Discipleship, Martial Arts & Sports Programs, Evangelism Outreaches and Prayer Team
The Lost & Spiritual Strongholds
Return of Prodigals, Salvation for the Lost, Unsaved Spouses, Rebellious Children, Atheists, Those Trapped in Cults, Those Deceived by False Religion, The Demonically Oppressed, Those Ensnared by Addictions, The Hopeless & Suicidal, Against Spiritual Strongholds of: Unbelief, Unforgiveness, Homosexuality, Pornography, Poverty, Witchcraft, Anger, Greed, Fear, Lying, Lust, & Pride.
The US and Beyond
The Homeless and Poor, The Fatherless and Widows, End of Abortion, End of Human Trafficking, Our Military, Local Churches, Local Church Pastors & Leaders, Local Government & Leaders, State Government & Leaders, National Government & Leaders, World Governments & Leaders, The President, Supreme Court & Lower Courts, Continued Freedom in USA, Spread of God’s Word & Revival in USA & Around the World.
10 Days of Prayer Schedule
FSC takes part in a global event twice a year in May for Pentecost and in October for the 10 Days of Awe. The video below will help you catch the vision. 10 Days of Prayer takes place in various churches in the Tampa Bay area. The prayer room is also open for prayer during office hours: Tuesday-Friday, 9am-5pm.
10 Days of Prayer will take place from May 29th - June 8th. More information will be available as the event gets closer.