
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

At Feather Sound Church, we want to be a church that makes a big impact on our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. Here are some of the ways we are doing just that!
Ask us about our upcoming Outreach Trips! We regularly organize trips throughout the year both internationally and within the USA to locations New Orleans, Tennessee, Israel (Tour) and Cuba.

Local Outreach

A Door of Hope Tampa Bay Region
Learn More:  adoorofhope.com
Give:  adoorofhope.com/donate

Door of Hope

Door of Hope is a Biblical foster care ministry serving the Tampa Bay area. At Door of Hope, their vision is to exemplify God’s love for foster children and families by providing a Christian home for every foster child and Biblical counsel and supportive services through their partnership with the Christian community. A Door of Hope exists for the purposes of glorifying God and providing hope for kids in crisis by fulfilling the spiritual mandate to care for the modern-day orphan.

CHROME Ministries

The CHROME Retreat is a peaceful, 30-acre men’s retreat located in Marianna, Florida. This campus serves as a headquarters for a men’s discipleship and recovery program that focuses on a relationship with Christ and healing. The program is designed to support men who are overcoming life-controlling issues and recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, homelessness, depression, and abuse.
Through the process of RESCUE, RECOVERY, and RE-ENGAGEMENT, they are able to walk alongside men in difficult situations and support them as they take bold steps and begin to live the life God has destined for them.
This program is structured to eliminate distractions so that participants can focus on building a healthy foundation to rebuild their lives. Food, housing, education, and mentorship, are all provided free of charge.
New Life Solutions
West Central Florida

LEARN MORE:  newlifesolutions.org
GIVE:  newlifesolutions.org/give

New Life Solutions

New Life Solutions, Inc. (NLS) is the Ministry Head of More2Life Youth Development Program, A Woman’s Place Medical Clinics, Passages of Hope Post-Abortion Grief Recovery Program, Shepherd’s Village Single-Parent Residential Ministry, and Breath of Life Women’s Health and Birth Center. They are a Christ-centered ministry offering hope, help and healing for women, teens, and families by promoting healthy lifestyle choices and relationships. Their focus from the beginning has been on transforming their community one life at a time. The mission is to save souls, save babies, reach teens and transform lives by equipping them to make positive choices in order to have healthier futures. NLS presents the life-changing teachings of Jesus Christ and promotes the biblical values of the sanctity of human life, pre-marital abstinence and alternatives to abortion. Together with their partners and supporters they know they can be a positive and eternal difference in their community and fulfill the Great Commission.

Venture Clubs - High Point After-School Bible Club

Venture Clubs are after school clubs held at public elementary schools. Churches adopt an area school, create a volunteer team that goes to the school once a week and presents a club much like a kid's church. The Gospel is presented through fun activities and Bible stories, they learn about Jesus through songs, games, and teen produced teaching videos. The volunteers love on these children while discipling them. Most of the students are unchurched and many have never heard about Jesus. The majority of Christians come to faith before their 14th birthday, but most kids today are not being brought to church or hearing the Gospel at home, so Venture Clubs brings the good news to them. Feather Sound Church has adopted High Point Elementary School to reach the children in our community and we also have a free teen drama club where the teaching videos are produced to be used in most Venture Clubs in FL and GA. Please pray for these two clubs, "Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray"... Matthew 19:13-15.
Brent Woody
Justice Restoration Center

LEARN MORE:   traffickingadvocacy.org
GIVE:  traffickingadvocacy.org/donate

Justice Restoration Center

The West Florida Center for Trafficking Advocacy, known as, the Justice Restoration Center (JRC) is a tax-exempt organization that exists to provide trauma-informed, restorative, pro bono legal services and advocacy for survivors of human trafficking, as well as to advocate on trafficking-related legislation and policy matters. The JRC features an alliance of legal professionals who provide free legal services for survivors, along with volunteer professionals, such as physicians, dentists, therapists, accountants, and others who are willing to assist at little or no cost to the survivor. There are tremendous needs for the survivors of human trafficking; such as healthcare, legal, mental health, spiritual and financial support. A survivor needs legal assistance expunging an undeserved criminal record. A single mom emerging from trafficking needs help obtaining public benefits while she works toward a new start. A labor trafficking survivor needs legal advocacy in the area of immigration. A trafficked prison inmate needs a safe release, transportation, and residential services. A survivor of sex-trafficking needs a branding tattoo removed to escape the stigma of her exploitation. These are just examples of the needs that the JRC sees among those who have survived sex and labor trafficking as they navigate a complex journey back to normal life. 
The 6:4 Fellowship
Strategic Renewal
Pastoral Care

LEARN MORE:  strategicrenewal.com
GIVE:  strategicrenewal.com/give

Strategic Renewal

Strategic Renewal is a para-Church ministry that exists to serve the local church and is characterized by an extraordinary commitment to the priority of prayer and the ministry of the word. In all they do, they underline the Scripture’s emphasis on healthy local-church leadership, the sufficiency of the Holy Spirit, and the pursuit of cultural transformation. They provide resources for spiritual and personal renewal, equip and mobilize churches to pray, and train pastors to lead the Church in prayer. Sadly, most churches in North America today are largely prayerless. The latest church research shows that the single greatest indicator of a healthy, thriving church is how much and how often the pastors and/or elders pray together. Yet, sadly, only 33% of pastors and/or elders are actually praying together within their own churches. On top of this, church attendance across America has decreased 12% in the last decade. In the last 15 years, $500 billion was spent on church growth efforts with no appreciable impact. Now more than ever, the church in North America is in critical need of Christian leaders, clergy and laypeople, who are committed to seeking God, proclaiming His word, and leading His people to experience the supernatural power of Christ. 
Set Free Jail Ministry

Set Free Jail Ministries

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - John 8:32

"Set Free" is a jail ministry serving women and men inmates at the Pinellas County Jail.  Each week, we worship, teach his Truth, pray and offer hope to the vulnerable and oppressed. For more information, contact info@feathersoundchurch.com.  
My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, “You sit here in a good place,” while you say to the poor man, “You stand over there,” or, “Sit down at my feet,” have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?..... What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.  James 2:1-4,14-17
…learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause. Isaiah 1:17
Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. Psalm 82:3-4
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

International Outreach

Josh and Donna Yates and Family
LEARN MORE: fm418.org
GIVE: fm418.org/donate


We are not your typical missions agency. We specialize in discreet missions to establish underground churches inside persecuted nations. God is using us to care for and train up orphans, victims of sex trafficking, prisoners, and more to serve as missionaries. In and out of these works Christ's message is being freely shared through His word and deeds. In these ways, God's freedom is being multiplied where the name of Jesus has never been heard before.
Orphanage - FM418 has more than 70 orphans under our care in North India. Some are orphaned by poverty and death of parents, many are abandoned and discarded, trafficked and sold. Your support brings them housing, food, education, Biblical counseling, and most importantly the knowledge that someone cares for them. We are breaking ground on a permanent home for these children which will allow us to house another 80 street children.
Church Planting - We are multiplying disciples and churches in some of the most difficult places on earth until all have had an opportunity to hear. Our footprint includes places such as the Texas prison system to North India, Iraq, Iran and Syria. We are facilitating weekly trainings both inside and outside of these highly persecuted areas to equip the saints in evangelism, short and long term discipleship, and underground house church formation that has multiplied to more than 7,000 house churches and growing.
Jim and Janice Larson
Tanzania, Africa

LEARN MORE:  jimandjanicelarson.com
GIVE:  donorbox.org/online-giving-2

Intensive Care Ministries

Jim and Janice Larson have been full-time missionaries in Tanzania since 2011. They are the Directors for all of Africa under Intensive Care Ministries (ICM), an international ministry based in California which pioneered a simple, but effective, inductive Bible study (IBS) program being used around the world. The ministry focus is to equip existing local churches by teaching their pastors, elders, and leaders how to read and interpret the Bible properly, as most have about an 8-10th grade education. Through the IBS seminars, they identify the best pastors from all denominations to be invited to enroll in the free, 2.5-year Bible college. These church leaders graduate with the equivalent of an A.A. Degree in Pastoral Ministry with an emphasis on preaching. Their ability to preach proper doctrine is contributing exponentially to spiritual growth and maturity. Prayer and financial support is always welcome and necessary. Spiritual warfare is great, as well as the financial need. In addition, Jim and Janice welcome visitors who can teach the Word, have musical gifts, and even a heart for ministry to youth and children, which is another big aspect of the work. Visits can be from 10-90 days. 
Brian Smith
Central and South America

LEARN MORE:  harvestaviation.org
GIVE:  harvestaviation.org/donate

Harvest Aviation

Brian worked as a letter carrier for the U.S. Postal Service for 32 years, but long before he retired he felt God calling him to become a missionary pilot. This led him to obtain a private pilot's license, as well as his instrument, commercial, and multi-engine ratings. He then became a certified flight instructor. For 8 years he served as the leader of the Disaster International Relief Team (DIRT team) and led multiple mission trips all over the world in addition to working alongside Samaritans Purse during several national disasters. During that time the Lord continued to provide opportunities to serve in various ways all while preparing him for the ministry he is now a vital part of. He currently serves as the Senior Mission’s Pilot for Harvest Aviation. Harvest Aviation is a Christian organization that transports medical supplies, food, clothing, and other essentials to missionaries in Central and South America. They also assist with transporting emergency supplies after a natural disaster or transporting missionaries and mission teams in and out of the countries they are serving.
Name Undisclosed for Missionary's Safety
Israel and West Bank Territories

GIVE:  Send support to Feather Sound Church and mark "Jerusalem Missionary"

Missionary: Israel and West Bank Territories

As a teenager, she began serving in a Christian sports outreach program in Pinellas County, FL and as a worship leader at her church. In addition, she participated in many short-term mission trips and it was then that the Lord began to give her a passion for missions. While she was still a teenager, she already knew the Lord was calling her into full-time missions, but she waited on Him to show her where He wanted her to serve. The opportunity came the very week she graduated from university. The Lord opened a door for her to work with youth in the West Bank where she has currently been serving since 2015. It is extremely difficult for Jewish or Muslim converts to be Christians in this region as there is constant opposition from every side. There is also much segregation even among the various Christian groups. She works with youth from both Jewish and Muslim backgrounds as well as many international students to help promote unity among the body of Christ. She teaches, leads weekly youth groups, and helps organize several programs throughout the year that bring the kids together to show them how to serve and worship together as brothers and sisters in Messiah.
(1 Corinthians 1:10)
Dr. Jessica
Frontier Alliance International
Kurdistan Region, Iraq

LEARN MORE:   faimission.org
GIVE: faimission.givingfuel.com/MOBILIZATION

Frontier Alliance International

Pastor S.
Message Ministries & Missions Laos

LEARN MORE:  messagemissions.com
GIVE:  messagemissions.com/donate

Message Ministries & Missions: Laos

Before Christ, Pastor S. lived in chains of addiction. Dominated by drugs and alcohol, S. lost all hope. But his despair would not last forever. Soon, devoted Christians met him and shared the salvation message. S. received Christ and God radically transformed his life. He soon received a call to the ministry. Today, Pastor S. is hard at work for Laos’ salvation. Through the decades, S. has planted churches in many Laotian villages, winning hundreds to Jesus Christ and introducing many to the call of God. His calling as a church planter continues today. He serves as a spiritual leader at multiple church plants, preaching at his main congregation two Sundays a month, and at other congregations the other two. But now, he’s also investing in the next generation of Laotian church planters by serving as pastor to ten church-planters around Laos. Pastor S. also acts as the guardian and spiritual leader of a home for persecuted Christian children. The Laos Children’s Home provides food, shelter, care, education and discipleship for 16 Laotian children who have been forbidden from village schools. God has powerfully used Pastor S’ labor of love to strengthen these child disciples and save many village families. Many of the children in Laos Children’s home will likely grow to enter Bible school and pursue Christian ministry. Pastor S. is driven by a heavenly zeal to disciple young people who can reach all of Asia. MM Partner David S. revealed S’s heart — “S. Knows that one day he will get old, but if he reaches the current generation, they can reach the generation after him.” One day he hopes to open a ministry training center in Laos.
Name Undisclosed for Missionary’s Safety

GIVE: Send support to Feather Sound Church and
mark "Bali Missionary"

Missionary: Bali

FSC is currently supporting one of six Balinese mobile pastors who each travel across the island sharing the love of God in villages. They also have started house groups and pastor new Believers along the way. This method of church planting has been highly effective in seeing Balinese people turn to Christ and worship together in their own cultural context.
Pray for them as they face spiritual and practical hurdles.
Name Undisclosed for Missionary’s Safety
GIVE: Send support to Feather Sound Church
and mark "Iran Missionary"

Missionary: Iran

FSC is currently supporting an organization in Iran working with Muslim background believers. They also train and equip believers in the area with church planting and distributing Bibles.
Pray for them as they face spiritual and practical hurdles.