What is GriefShare?
GriefShare is a grief recovery support group, a safe place where hurting men and women can find hope and healing after the death of a loved one. Our support group ministry is facilitated by dedicated volunteers from Feather Sound Church who have experienced and understand the heartache of grief. The group time consists of videos, discussion, and participant workbooks that guide group members through each session. Over the 13 weeks of this series,13 videos will feature respected Christian counselors and teachers who share insights and testimonies of God’s mercy and grace, plus personal testimonies from people who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Mary Anderson is our GriefShare lead representative at Feather Sound Church. To register, click the link below or go to griefshare.org, search by Zip Code 33762 and click on the Feather Sound Church Group.
Summary of the Study
Testimonials and Summary